

New Painting

No posts since February?  That's horrible isn't it?  Well I have been very busy though and have lots to share with you.  I am in the process of decorating my house on a very, very tight budget.  So most of the items I add will be hand made or thrifted. 

If you go back among my posts you will notice my first attempts at pillow making.  These sad creatures have been put out of their misery and their fluff transplanted into new ones.   I will post on these soon.  But first, here is a peek at my latest painting.

I needed a center piece for my living room, so I bought some canvas and went to work.  Thank you Hobby Lobby for 30% off sales!  With no home church and no job I have felt like a plant pulled from the roots and drug around by some weirdo gardener who isn't sure where to put me.  So roots have been on my mind.  And cities.  Always Jerusalem, beautiful and new waiting for her decent to her proper place in our world.  So I knew I wanted a city with roots in mid-air.  And since I have traveled abroad twice, both times landing in Frankfurt, Germany I decided to use her skyline as inspiration for my levitating city.  I typed "frankfurt, germany silhouette" into the google machine and did an image search and did a rough sketch of the coolest one I saw.  It is by Luigi Di Serio and you can find it here - scroll down and it is the third photo. 

Here is my sketch and a color test.

I am glad I used the color test as inspiration, but found this picture did not go as planned.  Funny how that happens, huh?  But I am pleased with the result.  Here is a photo of the tri-panel during the third layer, the addition of the city silhouette.

And the finished project. 

I think it almost looks like a battleship, what do you think?

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